Love Baby Swim School

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.”




Initially we will introduce your baby to various submersion techniques so they become comfortable with being in water. Coursework covers breathing exercises and learning to turn in the water, which is a key safety skill. We also focus on flotation, varied holds, activities for motor skill development, gaining trust and encouraging confident water awareness.  


Once your baby has gained the key basic understanding we start to develop a broader range skills. These include multiple versions of submersion; varied turning techniques; becoming aware of breathing control; use of various floatation aids; and object retrieval and awareness. All these skills are developed using fun exercises and strategies, which help to secure the foundations to progress further.


Honing all the skills learnt throughout the previous coursework, this third stage will take your toddler / child into the exciting world of independent swimming. All classes are based on encouraging independence through confidence and enjoyment, mastering skills through exciting exercises, and an emphasis on demonstrating all the key water safety skills learnt independently to achieve an outstanding grounding for the next stage of swimming.

Courses are designed for babies and children to fit into at any age, so if you haven’t been with us from the very beginning but want to benefit from our programme please do get in touch as a suitable course and level can always be discussed and found.


We hope to see you soon
